Greetings! It is with great pride and joy that I announce our acceptance within the fold of ALSA and application of observer status. With a 12,000 member strong organization composed of students and alumni, ALSA has fourteen countries as members.
ALSA India’s main goal will be to develop skills and talents of our members to help them in various aspects of their professional career. ALSA India will work in tandem with fellow members to introduce the Student Trainee Exchange Programme, and facilitate participation in International Conferences and Study Tours. We shall soon be inviting enterprising and adventurous law students, to form local chapters in their respective institutions and strengthen the network.
I invite you to browse through our website and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me or my officers.
ALSA Always Be One!
Warm Regards
Manas Dowlani
President, ALSA India
Greetings! It is with great pride and joy that I announce our acceptance within the fold of ALSA and application of observer status. With a 12,000 member strong organization composed of students and alumni, ALSA has fourteen countries as members.
ALSA India’s main goal will be to develop skills and talents of our members to help them in various aspects of their professional career. ALSA India will work in tandem with fellow members to introduce the Student Trainee Exchange Programme, and facilitate participation in International Conferences and Study Tours. We shall soon be inviting enterprising and adventurous law students, to form local chapters in their respective institutions and strengthen the network.
I invite you to browse through our website and if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me or my officers.
ALSA Always Be One!
Warm Regards
Manas Dowlani
President, ALSA India